mercoledì 23 marzo 2016

A walk in the dark

Now we are close to the end, just two months more or less and we meet the deadline. I can't lie, I am quite scared, despite we are way ahead in schedule, I feel like I am not ready to move forward...everything has been scheduled for 9 months, what will happen afterwards? All the people I met here will go away and university will be pretty much over. It is exciting in a way but on the other, it is terrifying.

All I can do is work hard, the hardest and as usual hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

I have been quite busy in the last weeks, doing loads of clean ups. We are pretty much done at this point, so I will move to shadows and coloring. I bloody hate cleaning up at this point!

here's an example. Animation by Luke O'Sullivan. 

have done some designs for Falling in Love, here are some

and for Alphabet Patch

for the game I am working on, I started the 3d model of the highwayman, Aaron Donlon fixed all the mistakes I did.

and in my freetime I have been doodling a lot

my brother


shady university

and last but not least, I have been doing fishes on my sketchbook all week, so it seems appropriate to do a big drawing like back in the days with all the animals i designed

domenica 6 marzo 2016

Design new website


I got so many things to worry about and now in addition I need to make a website for me. I do not have much experience in these kind of things, I hope I will manage in time: I am ahead of course work but I am super far behind in website, cv and I also need to make a twitter account!


I wish all i had to do was drawing and directing :'(
One day Jack, one day

i have been doing more clean ups and drawings in the meanwhile, I'll post here some of em

Animation by James White and Sophie Rippington, clean up by me

Some design for the game I am working on

and two random ones